March 21 Annual Parish Meeting Agenda

Hemswell Parish Council.

Notice is Hereby given for a virtual Annual Parish Meeting via ZOOM on Monday 15th March at 7.00 pm.

Meeting ID: 654 969 7046     Password: 1yXuxU


1. Apologies.

2. Chair’s welcome and annual report.

3. Approval of minutes from previous annual meeting.

4. Reports from -

a. County councillor,

b. District councillor,

c. Police,

d. Village hall committee,

e. Neighbourhood plan steering group.

5. Parishioner statements and questions.


Date of next meeting  21st March 2022.

Signed: B C Mander         Date: 9th March 2021.

If members of the public would like to attend, please utilise the link above or request a meeting invite via email from