Welcome to Hemswell Parish Council & Burial Authority, Lincolnshire
Hemswell Parish Council meet on the third Monday of January, March, May, July, September and November. Meetings are held at 7:00 pm in the Hemswell and Harpswell Village Hall. Occasionally, there are additional 'extraordinary' meetings to discuss items of an urgent nature between the scheduled meetings. Our Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is held in May. A separate Annual Meeting of the Parish is held just once a year - you can find all the dates on this website.
Meeting dates and agendas are published on this website and on the village notice boards located at the village hall and in Brook Street. Soon after each meeting, you'll find the draft minutes published on this website and on the village notice boards. Follow the links in the section below for more information.
Residents are welcome to attend full council meetings and can speak briefly on village matters at the beginning of the meeting in public question time. Items not on the agenda for that evening's meeting can't be discussed in detail, but if you want to discuss a particular topic it may be added to the agenda for the following meeting or dealt with in writing. You can contact the clerk by email at hemswellparishcouncil@gmail.com
Become a Parish Councillor - Hemswell Parish Council has vacancies and needs your support!
If you feel you are the right person to fill one of those seats, please get in touch with the clerk to learn more about the role of a Parish Councillor and how you can apply to join the Parish Council. Visit our Vacancies page for details.
How to Contact Us
If you need to discuss a local issue, or get in touch with an individual councillor, please contact the clerk. It's easy to get in touch.....
- By email at hemswellparishcouncil@gmail.com
- By phone 07528 852852
- By message on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/hemswellparishcouncil/
Help us report it!
If you can, please use the FixMyStreet App to report problems with street lights, road surfaces, potholes, flytipping, etc. It is a quick and easy way to report and upload photos of the problem, plus it provides the PC with a record of issues that it can follow up on behalf of residents. The link below goes straight to the FixMyStreet app. If you can't use the app, please get in touch with a member of the PC or the clerk, and they will be happy to help.
Numbers for Local Services
Take a snapshot of this image with your phone and you'll always have numbers for important local services to hand!
Latest news
Plaque marks the historical Pinfold in Hemswell
New sign marks Hemswell's historical Pinfold!
Upcoming works around Hemswell
February and March will see some road closures and traffic restrictions in the village.
Books & More To Your Door - 2025 Timetable
Forget New Year 'New Look' - try New Year 'New Book'!
Please visit regularly for latest events from Hemswell village and around the parish. It's a busy time in and around the village, please look out for posters on the noticeboards and updates on Facebook.
Please take advantage of this fabulous free service. If you know someone who can't get to a local library, get in touch with the Access Mobile Library. They can arrange to deliver items straight to their door, including large print, Talking Books, and DVDs, every four weeks on a prearranged day! Contact Graham Owen on 074830170085 or email: graham.owen@gll.org
A wonderful display of handcrafted poppies and RBL/RBLI poppies and posters in the village to mark Remembrance 2024. Thank you to all involved. Shall we aim to go bigger and better next year?
The 'Tidy Up along The Beck' events held on 17th & 31st August made a huge difference to the appearance and accessibility along the path. Thanks to everyone who strimmed, chopped, pruned, raked, collected, bagged and removed!
The Parish Council commemorated the 80th Anniversary of D-Day with a display in the bus shelter on Maypole Street and around the village.
Hemswell Village's May Day Celebrations were a great success, with a fabulous turnout of people from far and wide who came to see the dancing and enjoy the stalls and treats on offer. Join us again next May to celebrate this special day! Please contact us if you would like to get involved!
We all know that walking is good for body and soul, so why not take a look at the walking routes on the WLDC website page. Each route has a downloadable map with details of parking, distance and what to expect along the route.
Click on any of the images above for updates on flooding in Lincolnshire, or click the link to 'sign up' to the gov.uk website for flood warnings. Links will open in a new browser window.