Many people find dog fouling offensive and want to do something about it, so did you know you can report issues to WLDC via their website and via FixMyStreet?

Dog fouling is a major issue for many of our towns and parishes and sadly, Hemswell Village is no exception. It is the most offensive type of litter on our streets and it is consistently raised as a public concern. Dog fouling is not only unpleasant, it's dangerous. The biggest threat to public health from dog excrement is toxocariasis. This is an infection of the roundworm toxocara canis. The eggs of the parasite can be found in soil or sand contaminated with faeces and if swallowed, result in infection that lasts between six and 24 months. It's a hazard not just to humans, but other dogs and wildlife too. 

It is the responsibility of the dog(s) owner or the person in charge of the dog(s) to clear up any dog foul left by their dog. If you fail to clean up after your dog(s) and are witnessed, you could be reported to the District Council who may take formal action. If you know who is allowing their dog(s) to foul, have witnessed an incident and are willing to make a formal witness statement to the District Council we may be able to take formal action based on this. You can report dog fouling using the form on the WLDC website - click this link to access it - but you can also report dog fouling on the FixMyStreet website by following this link.

We wish we didn't have to make this issue 'news' so please, do the right thing and clear up after your dog.

Published: Monday, 24th April 2023