Parish Council Meeting Dates

Hemswell Parish Council meet on the third Monday of January, March, May, July, September & November. Meetings are held at 7:00 pm in the Hemswell and Harpswell Village Hall. The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is always held in May.

The date and agenda for each meeting are available on this website and displayed on the village notice boards (Village Hall and Brook Street), at least three clear days before each meeting. The 'unadopted' (draft) minutes from each meeting are posted to this website and displayed on the noticeboards once they have been written and approved for display. 

The Annual Meeting of the Parish is separate from the parish council meeting and only happens once a year, usually March or May. It is a meeting open to all electors of the Parish, who have the right not only to attend but also to speak on any matter of local interest. At the meeting, the parish council will report on events of the preceding year, and there may be reports from the Chairman, District and County Councillors, community groups and any organisation that the parish council has funded during the year. More importantly, it's the opportunity for local residents to share their views on how the council is performing. 

2025 Dates including PC Committee Meetings

Annual Meeting of the Parish - date to be confirmed

When the agenda for each meeting is available, it will appear as a link in the last column (page will open in a new browser window).

20 January Ordinary Meeting LINK TO AGENDA
20 January  PC Personnel Committee Meeting LINK TO AGENDA
17 March  Ordinary Meeting NOT YET AVAILABLE
19 May Annual Meeting of the Parish  NOT YET AVAILABLE
19 May Annual Parish Council Meeting NOT YET AVAILABLE
21 July Ordinary Meeting NOT YET AVAILABLE
15 September Ordinary Meeting NOT YET AVAILABLE
17 November Ordinary Meeting NOT YET AVAILABLE