Health and Safety Policy




March 2022

Last Reviewed

January 2025

Review period



Rev 1.0 Reviewed May 2023. Adopted without changes.  Rev 1.0 Reviewed May 2024. Adopted without changes. Rev 1.1 Reviewd Jan 2025. Amended to bi-annual review or when significant changes to practices/procedures arise as identified by assessment of risk. Updated 'related documents'. 


Hemswell Parish Council (PC) recognises its responsibilities as an employer for providing a safe and healthy environment for all its employees, contractors, voluntary helpers, and others who may be affected by the PC's activities. The PC aims to fully meet its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and will provide, as far as reasonably practicable, the resources necessary to fulfil this commitment. 

Hemswell PC will: 

  • Take seriously its Duty of Care to employees.
  • Ensure that appropriate levels of insurance are in place.
  • Carry out risk assessments as needed.
  • Seek expert advice, as and when appropriate, on health and safety matters to assist the clerk in fulfilling the PC's responsibilities for ensuring safe working conditions.Policy Aims 

1. Hemswell PC, will as far as is reasonably practicable provide:

  • A safe place of work and a safe working environment.
  • Sufficient information, instruction and training for employees, contractors, and volunteers to carry out their work safely; and
  • Care and attention to the health, safety and welfare of employees, contractors, volunteers, and members of the public who may be affected by the activities of the PC.

This policy shall be reviewed bi- annually or when significant changes to practices/procedures arise as identified by assessment of risk. 

2.    Arrangements and Responsibilities

2.1   The clerk will:

  • Keep abreast of relevant Health and Safety policies and related legislation and inform the PC accordingly.
  • Make effective arrangements to implement the Health and Safety at Work policy.
  • Ensure that matters of Health and Safety are regularly discussed at meetings of the PC.
  • Ensure that regular risk assessments are carried out of working practices and assets and maintain a record of risk assessments.
  • Make effective arrangements to ensure that contractors or voluntary helpers working for the council comply with all reasonable Health and Safety at Work requirements. All contractors will be given a copy of the PC's Health and Safety at Work Policy.
  • Ensure that work activities by the PC do not unreasonably jeopardise the health and safety of members of the public.
  • Maintain a central record of notified accidents; and
  • Take immediate action to prevent a recurrence or further accident following a serious of hazardous incident and complete appropriate accident reporting procedure.

2.2       All employees, contractors and volunteers will:

  • Cooperate fully with the aims and requirements of the Health and Safety at Work policy and comply with applicable Codes of Practice or work instructions for health and safety.
  • Take reasonable care of their own health and safety, use appropriate personal protective clothing and, where appropriate, ensure appropriate First Aid materials are available.
  • Take reasonable care of the health and safety of other people who may be affected by their activities.
  • Not intentionally interfere with, remove or misuse any tools, safety devices/equipment provided to undertake activities identifies as having a potential risk to health and safety.
  • Report any accidents or hazardous incidents to the clerk.

3. General Arrangements

An accident or injury at work, however trivial it may appear at the time, must be reported to the clerk and/or the PC Chair. Details of the accident should be provided to the clerk, who will record the details as appropriate. In the event of an accident which requires first aid, assistance should be available from an appropriately trained person if available, otherwise dial 111 or 999 for the emergency services.

On no account anyone who appears to be seriously injured be moved unless is it essential to do so for their own personal safety.

Hemswell PC and its staff do not encounter substances likely to be substances hazardous and therefore the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 are unlikely to apply. A risk assessment should identify where COSHH may be applicable. 

Hemswell PC and its staff do not own, operate or come into contact with electrical equipment that would require electrical inspections in order to comply with National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contractors (NICEIC) standards.

PC members and staff should not arrange to meet alone with unknown contacts except in public places. Where applicable members and staff should provide another person with details of where they are going, the purpose of the visit, and anticipated time of return. If there is any unexpected change to this, please telephone them if possible.

The PC will not tolerate situations where members or staff are subject to verbal abuse, antisocial behaviour or physical assault. Such events must be reported immediately to the PC and appropriate authorities.

A risk assessment of the clerk’s home working office and arrangements will be carried out and reviewed periodically to identify potential hazards and implement appropriate control measures.

Related Documents

Code of Conduct

Safeguarding Policy