Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Policy
Revision |
1.1 |
February 2024 |
Last Reviewed |
First Issue |
Review period |
Annually |
DOCUMENT CONTROL: Rev 1.1 Adopted February 2024.
Hemswell Parish Council
1. Rights and Responsibilities
3. Hemswell Parish Council Values
4. Hemswell Parish Council Statutory Obligations
Hemswell Parish Council (PC) has responsibilities as an employer, a service provider, and a public authority and is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) for all members of society. Inclusion and equality are not about ‘treating everyone the same’ but recognising that everyone is different and that people’s needs are met differently. The Parish Council recognises that it needs to draw on talent from all sections of the population to deliver high-quality services that meet the community's needs.
1. Rights and Responsibilities
Individual councillors and staff, as well as the Parish Council (a corporate body), can be held liable for acts of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination, whether against fellow employees, customers, suppliers or members of the public. Therefore, individual council members and employees must act in a manner that promotes and embraces EDI.
This Policy applies to all:
- Council Members.
- Employees, whether part-time, full-time or temporary.
- Customers and those applying to access Hemswell Parish Council services.
- Contractors, sub-contractors and consultants.
- Partners delivering commissioned services.
- Volunteers, students, etc.
The aim of this Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy is to ensure that Hemswell Parish Council:
- Demonstrates equality, fairness and respect for all persons who come into contact with or who interact with the PC.
- Demonstrates equality, fairness and respect for all employees, whether they be employed on a temporary, part-time or full-time basis.
- Does not unlawfully discriminate on the grounds of any of the ‘protected characteristics’[1] of:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin)
- religion or belief
- sex
- sexual orientation.
- Opposes and avoids all forms of unlawful discrimination in employment. This includes matters regarding:
- pay and benefits and terms and conditions of employment,
- dealing with grievances and discipline,
- dismissal,
- redundancy,
- leave for parents or caregivers,
- requests for flexible working,
- selection for employment, promotion, training or other development opportunities.
Under Section 4 of the Equality Act 2010, it is unlawful to discriminate against an individual on any of the “protected characteristics”. Section 149[2] of the 2010 Act imposes a Duty on Parish Councils to take into account the need to:
- Eliminate discrimination and harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by, or under the Act.
- Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not.
- Foster good relations between those with protected characteristics and those without.
3. Hemswell Parish Council Values
Hemswell PC:
- Values people from all backgrounds and believes they have a right to be free from prejudice and discrimination.
- Believes that all members of society have an equal right to benefit from opportunities.
- Recognises that discrimination can be overt or covert – open or hidden.
- Endeavour not to discriminate on the grounds of ability; age; colour; ethnic or national origin; gender; gender reassignment; intellect; marital status; nationality; race; religion or belief; sexual orientation; social or economic status (this is not an exhaustive list).
- Makes equality of opportunities an integral part of its functions and duties, not an afterthought.
4. Hemswell Parish Council Statutory Obligations
Toward people (members, staff, volunteers and users). Hemswell Parish Council will:
- Involve and consult with individuals and groups as necessary.
- Welcome discussion with people with special requirements to identify how their needs might be met.
- Challenge discriminatory comments and support colleagues in challenging discriminatory comments.
- Recognise that victims of discrimination, harassment or bullying may need support.
- Ensure anyone reporting concerns or information regarding possible or actual discrimination is not victimised.
Toward employment and volunteering. Hemswell Parish Council will:
- Commit to equal opportunities within its job descriptions.
- Focus on ability, not disability.
- Treat all applicants fairly.
- Regularly review its procedures and application forms for staff and volunteers.
- Treat and support volunteers in the same manner as members of staff.
- Provide appropriate induction for staff and volunteers.
Toward Training. Hemswell Parish Council will:
- Encourage and facilitate staff and volunteers to attend training relevant to their work.
- Encourage staff and volunteers to develop and implement their personal and professional career development plans where possible.
Toward Resources. Hemswell Parish Council will:
- Endeavour to make our information and resources readily accessible to residents within the parish.
- Ensure that our resources are balanced and reflect the diverse nature of the community.
- Respect people’s needs, whether these are cultural, medical, dietary, or moral and aim to meet those needs where reasonable and practicable to do so.
Toward Meetings and Access. Hemswell Parish Council will:
- Hold meetings at a time and place suitable to the majority, if not to all, in accordance with Hemswell Parish Council Standing Orders.
- Make information and premises freely and easily accessible to all, where it is feasible to do so.
Toward Monitoring and Reviewing. Hemswell Parish Council will:
- Review employment practices and procedures when necessary and update policy as required to take account of changes in the law and to address any issues arising.
- Monitor and review the makeup of volunteers, staff, users, and participants, subject to the requirements of the UK GDPR, to encourage equality, diversity, and inclusion and fulfil the aims of this policy.
Related Documents
Hemswell Parish Council Standing Orders
Code of Conduct
Complaints Procedure