September 2024 - Minutes of Ordinary Meeting
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Hemswell Parish Council, Monday 16th September 2024, 7.00 pm in the Hemswell and Harpswell Village Hall, Maypole Street, Hemswell.
Present: Parish Councillors: Cllr. J. Roberts (Chair), Cllr. P. Sutherland, Cllr. R. James. Clerk: E. Raymond. Member(s) of the Public (MoP): 3.
Public Forum Start 7:00 PM Members of the public:
i. A resident:
- Commented on the good result from the surface dressing of roads in the village but questioned why the lining of the pedestrian walkway was not correctly reinstated. Previously, the walkway was wider, allowing people to feel better separated from traffic when walking along Bunkers Hill, whereas the newly painted line is narrower, making pedestrians feel less safe. A member said this was reported to FixMyStreet on 5th September 2024 and is an ongoing issue.
- Commented on the fly-tipping problem on the outskirts of the village. Members agreed the situation seems to be worsening, especially on private land or just off the highway and encouraged regular reporting of issues via FixMyStreet.
The Chair thanked the public for their contributions and convened the Parish Council meeting at 7:06 PM.
50-09-24/24 CHAIRPERSON WELCOME & REMARKS Cllr. Roberts opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
51-09-25/25 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Apologies received and accepted from Cllr. Foster. All other members present. Apologies received from District Cllr. Paul Howitt-Cowan.
53-09-24/25 NOTES To consider and resolve to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held Monday, 15th July 2024 and to sign as agreed minutes. RESOLVED that Minutes of the PC Meeting held Monday 15th July 2024 be approved and signed as a correct record.
54-09-24/25 REVIEW OF ACTION ITEMS The clerk summarised actions arising as follows:
Follow up on matters raised by residents in the public forums, included:
- Roadworks/issues via FixMyStreet.
- Status of the Neighbourhood Watch scheme in Hemswell.
- Policy revisions and publication to PC website.
- Follow up with the contractor appointed to undertake Maypole cleaning due early Spring 2025.
- Arrangements for Finance Committee meeting (17th October 2024)
- Social media and posts for the ‘Beck Tidy-Up’ days and ‘CPR Awareness’ event.
Ongoing matters:
- Correspondence with LCC and the County Cllr. regarding water issues in Hemswell and the lack of response/progress.
RESOLVED to NOTE the review of action items.
55-09-24/25 CLERK’S REPORT – The clerk summarised matters completed as part of regular duties and items dealt with under the Scheme of Delegation:
Clerk to Parish Council Matters
- Regular duties including the follow-up of actions from previous meeting, circulation of relevant news/emails, collection of speed data and relocation of SID, social media copy to promote ‘tidy-up’ days and CPR awareness events, PC website updates, writing and printing of Sept 2024 newsletter.
- The event planned for 12th September was cancelled due to low uptake. The clerk contacted the Community Team Tutor to discuss rearranging it for early 2025.
- Anglian Water were asked for an update on the water leak from a property on Maypole Street.
- Planning Application – 1 Brook Street. Completed under Scheme of Delegation. PC had no objections to the application.
Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)
- Financial accounts, invoices for transacting, quotes for work, payroll, budget reports.
Burial Clerk - No Burial Clerk matters during July – September 2024
RESOLVED to NOTE the clerk’s report.
56-09-24/25 a. To receive an update on the volunteer ‘tidy-up’ days along the Beck and consider options for replacing the existing bench and a new notice/information board. The clerk reported on the two successful events held on the mornings of 17th and 31st August 2024. Posts and photos on social media had received positive feedback. Members were asked to consider replacing the existing bench, which is in a poor state of repair. Supporting documents provided examples of low maintenance, recycled plastic replacement benches and available budgets. The clerk to produce a shortlist of benches for consideration. Members did not feel it necessary to purchase a display/information board for the entrance to the Beck. RESOLVED to AGREE the purchase of a replacement bench subject to receipt of a shortlist of costed options. ACTION: Clerk to produce a shortlist of costed options for a recycled plastic bench to be installed along the Beck.
57-09-24/25 b. To consider and discuss the quotation for tree works along the Beck as per recommendations from the tree survey report. Following a meeting between a PC member and the tree surgeon, a quotation for works for £1350.00 was provided for two days, including felling trees as per the tree survey and raising the canopy where required. Logs will be cut and packed for use or habitat with waste chipped and sprayed where appropriate. Subject to approval by the PC, the contractor is available to undertake work on the 7th and 8th October 2024. Social media and notices are required to advise residents of the closure of Beck during the works. RESOLVED to ACCEPT the quotation for works. ACTION: Clerk to confirm the appointment of the contractor and raise awareness with residents of the closure of the Beck on 7th and 8th October 2024.
58-09-24/25 c. To consider and discuss options and a quotation for Hemswell Civil Cemetery hedge cutting. Members agreed the hedges should be kept tidy and in good order. One quotation has been obtained for the two external front hedges and internal right-hand side hedge. An additional quote is being sought for the front two hedges to be cut by a flail mower to reduce the amount and associated cost of ‘waste away’.
RESOLVED to ACCEPT the quotation for the internal hedge and to consider additional quotations, if available, for the front two hedges. ACTION: Clerk to appoint grass cutting contractor to commence internal hedge work and pursue additional quote(s) for cutting the front hedges by flail mower if possible. If not, request the grass-cutting contractor to undertake all hedge-cutting as per the quotation.
59-09-24/25 d. To consider and discuss a Grant/Donation application from the Hemswell & Harpswell Village Hall committee for a donation of £50 toward the Harvest Supper. Members received a budget review of grant/donation applications before the meeting. Members noted that the fundraising event was a joint venture between the Village Hall and Church and commented that the event was usually well supported by donations of food and wine from residents. Members considered that as the PC is due to review budgets in preparation for setting the precept, all applications must be considered in line with budgeted resources. RESOLVED to NOTE the grant/donation application and request the clerk contact the Village Hall committee for details of its financial position to help inform the PC decision. ACTION: Clerk.
a. To receive the financial report and approve/ratify payments.
Receipts and payments summary for the period 12th July - 13th September 2024: Unity Trust Accounts
Current Account: £2490.14 Instant Access Account: £21,017.40 TOTAL CASH IN HAND: £23,507.54
The RFO reported that Unity Trust Bank continues to prove reliable and easy for councillors and staff to access. Unity Trust has announced a reduction in the interest payable (gross rate) on instant access accounts from 2.75% to 2.60% (effective Sept 2024). The distribution of monies between the current and instant access has been appropriate for the relatively ‘quiet’ summer months but will be reviewed at the first Finance Committee in October 2024, together with a review of general and earmarked reserves.
Expenditure from July to September includes staff costs, village hall hire, and grass cutting. There has been no Income for this period. Payments for ratification are as follows:
Expenditure (Payee) |
Amount |
Details |
Gibson’s Home & Garden Services |
4 x £95.00 = £380 |
Grass cutting [Inv 2410, 2411, 2412, 2413] |
Village Hall Hire |
£31.25 |
Meeting for July 2024 [Inv 14] |
Clerk Salary |
£452.06 |
July & August 2024 |
Total Paid Out |
£863.31 |
Monies Received |
No income |
Total Paid In |
0.00 |
VAT against non-business expenditure currently stands at £8.75. The claim will be submitted at the end of the current financial year.
RECONCILIATION OF ACCOUNTS for April – June 2024 was undertaken on 16th July by Cllr. James.
EXPENDITURE OVER £100.00 Details of these payments can be found on the Parish Council website.
RESOLVED to ACCEPT the Financial Report as an accurate record.
Appln No. WL/2024/00654. 1 Brook Street, Hemswell. Application for a two-storey rear extension. PC responded to WLDC Planning that it has no objections to this planning application (via PC Scheme of Delegation)
62-09-24/24 REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS - Invitations to receive reports extended to County & District Cllrs., PCSO, Village Hall Committee (and external agencies and sub-committees as appropriate). For information only.
No reports were received from the County Cllr. or Village Hall Committee. The clerk displayed statistics from the crime report website (www.lincs.police), to which members expressed surprise, given that six crimes were reported in July 2024.
The clerk read a report on behalf of District Cllr. Paul Howitt Cowan. The report will be made available on the PC website.
63-09-24/25 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – To resolve to note the date and time of the next meeting(s):
Finance Committee Meeting – Thursday 17th October, 2024. 6.45 PM.
Parish Council Meeting - Monday 18th November 2024, 7:00 PM.
The Chair informed the meeting of upcoming events in the village, which are available in the recent newsletter and on social media.
Meeting ended: 1950