November 2024 - Minutes of Ordinary Meeting
Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting Monday 18th November 2024
Present: Parish Councillors: Cllr. J. Roberts (Chair), Cllr. M. Foster (Vice-Chair), Cllr. P. Sutherland, Cllr. R. James, Cllr. G. Jago. Clerk: E. Raymond. In attendance: District Cllr. P. Howitt-Cowan. Member(s) of the Public (MoP): 4
Public Forum Start 7:00 pm. Members of the public:
i. A resident commented on the poor quality of some streetlights in the village, asking if the PC knew of plans by WLDC/Highways replace existing lights with more efficient and brighter LED lighting. The resident also commented on the need for a light on the corner of Dawnhill Lane with Church Street by the Butchers Nook Club, due to it being an unlit blind corner, being particularly hazardous due to parked cars along the road. The clerk will make enquiries with WLDC/LCC.
ii. A resident commented on agenda item 77-11-25/26 (Planning Application no. WL/2024/00881) and expressed concern about the lack of dimensions on the proposed building and questioned whether it might be intended for commercial/business use.
iii. A resident thanked the clerk for arranging the poppies around the village and commented that the hand-crafted poppy display had been an enjoyable and good community event. The resident asked for an update on the footpath between Hemswell and Harpswell. A member updated the meeting, stating that it was proven that the stiles were legally present and in good condition; therefore, there was no requirement, at this time, for landowners to make any adjustments to the stiles or gates.
The Chair thanked the public for their contributions and convened the Parish Council meeting at 7:09 pm.
69-11-24/25 CHAIRPERSON WELCOME & REMARKS Cllr. Roberts opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
70-11-24/25 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr Sutherland arrived at 7.15 pm. All members present. No apologies.
72-11-24/25 NOTES –
a. To consider and resolve to approve the Minutes of the PC Meeting held Monday, 16 September 2024, and to sign as agreed minutes. RESOLVED that Minutes of the PC Meeting held Monday, 16 September 2024, be approved and signed as a correct record.
b. To note the PC Finance Committee Meeting held Thursday, 17 October 2024 as inquorate and no business transacted. RESOLVED TO NOTE
c. To consider and resolve to approve the Minutes of the PC Finance Committee Meeting held Thursday, 24 October 2024, and to sign as agreed minutes. RESOLVED that Minutes of the PC Finance Committee Meeting held Thursday, 24 October 2024, be approved and signed as a correct record.
73-11-24/25 REVIEW OF ACTION ITEMS – To review the action list and receive updates from those responsible for the actions.
- The clerk thanked residents and others who have reported drainage/water issues along Brook Street over the past year and referred to the LCC letter sent to residents advising of investigative works commencing 25/11/2024. The initial works are part of a larger scheme planned for Brook Street. The Chair hoped LCC would provide the PC with updates/progress reports. Clerk advised progress reports will be requested.
- The clerk advised there was no progress from Highways regarding clearer road markings for pedestrians at the top of Bunkers Hill. The last report was 14/09/204, and status remains ongoing.
- A shortlist of suitable replacement benches had been provided for consideration by members. [Agenda Item 75-11-24/25 c.]
- The tree works along the Beck were completed on the 7th and 8th October 2024. The clerk reported that further works will be necessary in 2025 to address the low-risk items identified in the original tree survey report.
- Cemetery hedge cutting was undertaken by Gibson’s Home and Garden Services and Limestone Farming Ltd in September, resulting in very neat and tidy hedges to the front and boundaries of the cemetery.
- A request was made to Limestone Farming Ltd for hedge/verge cutting along Dawnhill Lane to improve visibility and access for grass cutting in the new season. Residents and members reported the work was completed on 18/11/2024.
RESOLVED to NOTE the review of action items.
74-11-24/25 CLERK’S REPORT – To receive the clerk’s report on correspondence/communications, outstanding matters, and items dealt with under the Scheme of Delegation.
Clerk - Regular duties including follow-up actions from previous meeting, circulation of relevant news/emails, collection of speed data & moving of SID, PC website updates, preparation for internal audit.
- Report to FixMyStreet re: trees overhanging Bunkers Hill. As of 7/11/2024 the response was ‘More complicated than thought’. Clerk to follow up.
- LCC Brook Street investigation works along Brook Street to commence 25 November 2024.
- Planning Application – 18 Church Street. [Agenda item 77-11-25/26]
- Internal Auditor – mid-term visit due Monday 25th November.
Responsible Financial Officer (RFO)
- Financial accounts, invoices for transaction, budget and precept preparations.
Burial Clerk – Request to erect headstone in Civil Cemetery. Paperwork issued and invoice raised.
Other – The clerk met with Mr. Tom Chapman who wishes to pass a copy of an etching of Hemswell Mill (‘Roving Molly’) to the PC/Village Hall. Etching was made in 1933 by his relative, Frederick William Chapman of Gainsborough. The clerk has written a short article on their meeting for the Trent Cliffe Gazette and Hemswell village newsletter.
- The clerk was awarded a bursary by the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) for the ‘Principles of Internal Audit for Local Councils (PIALC)’ short course. The clerk has successfully completed the programme of study.
RESOLVED to NOTE the clerk's report.
75-11-24/25 a. To approve the PC Reserves Policy for adoption and implementation. (V1.0 October 2024). The Chair explained that the policy sets out how the PC determines and reviews its financial reserves as part of its overall strategy for financial and operational risk management, noting it met the requirements of the Joint Panel on Accountability & Governance (JPAG) regarding the type and level of reserves held by a smaller authority. Members of the Finance Committee had reviewed the policy, agreeing the PC should hold 3-6 months of net revenue expenditure (NRE) (equivalent to £5-7k general reserves) and recommended it be adopted by the full PC.
RESOLVED to ADOPT the policy and to post to the PC website. ACTION: Clerk to add the policy to the website and update PC policy spreadsheet.
75-11-24/25 b. To consider and discuss a quotation for repainting Hemswell village Maypole.
The Chair explained that the Maypole was last repainted in 2019 by Silo Facilities Management (SFG). Following a piece in the September 2024 village newsletter, SFG had offered to repaint the Maypole and clean/maintain the ‘Fox’ weathervane at a cost of £3000.00 exc. VAT (£3600.00 total). The cost covers all work and materials using battery powered tool with traffic management undertaken by signs and volunteers from the village. The Councillor’s Initiative Grant Funding offered by Cllr P. Howitt-Cowan, has been applied to help with the cost of repainting. SFG also offered to assist with attaching/detaching the ribbons for Mayday celebrations via a suitable fixing (TBC).
RESOLVED to ACCEPT the quote to repaint the Maypole from Maypole Maintenance Earmarked Reserves, provided works can be completed before 1st week of April 2025 to allow Mayday dance rehearsals to commence. ACTION: Clerk to contact SFG and make necessary arrangements.
75-11-24/25 c.To consider and agree options for purchasing and installing replacement benches as per the report dated October 2024. A report with options of recycled plastic benches had been circulated detailing six suitable bench types, including straight & sloping back, with/without arms all suitable for ground/plinth fixing. Price range: £317 – £436 (exc. VAT) VAT is recoverable. Members discussed options and whether a bench with arms would better serve those with mobility issues.
Although the Agicycle bench does not have arms, a member stated the make and model had proved very suitable in a neighbouring parish and offered to collect from the manufacturer and install the bench to replace the one mid-way along the Beck. Members discussed providing replacement benches with arms in areas that were more readily accessible than along Beck. There would be some additional spend necessary to prepare a plinth and suitable fixings.
Members also discussed which other benches should be replaced or whether some could be cleaned as members and some residents have offered to clean the bench along Hemswell Lane. This option to be discussed further in the new year.
RESOLVED to PURCHASE a ‘Barley Bench’ in brown from Agricycle, from Beck Maintenance Earmarked Reserves at a cost of £395 exc. VAT for installation along the Beck. ACTION: Clerk to liaise with Agricycle and Cllr. James regarding purchase and installation of new bench along the Beck.
75-11-24/25 d. To consider and discuss options for purchase and installation of a noticeboard within Hemswell Civil Cemetery.
The Chair summarised the need to provide a more suitable way to display notices in the cemetery which are currently displayed on the entrance gate. A weatherproof notice board would also display of Cemetery Regulations, burial clerk contact details, safety notices, etc. Members approved purchase and installation.
RESOLVED to PURCHASE an A2, weatherproof, lockable noticeboard as specified by Snap Frames Warehouse at £92.95 exc. VAT, plus delivery from Cemetery Maintenance Earmarked Reserves, noting some additional spend will be necessary for post mounting. ACTION: Clerk to arrange purchase and installation.
76-11-25/26 a. To receive the financial report and approve/ratify payments. Receipts and payments summary for the period 13 Sept – 15 November 2024. Unity Trust Bank Account: Balances as follows: (15 November 2024)
Current Account: £4078.45 Instant Access (Savings) Account: £16,163.08 TOTAL CASH IN BANK = £20,241.5
- Expenditure during September- November included regular costs of staff, village hall hire and grass cutting, together with budgeted spend on tree works, training and cemetery works. The grass cutting season finishes w/c 21/11/2024 and is due to restart March 2025. The grass-cutting contract will be reviewed no later than Jan 2025.
- Income included interest payment on the Instant Access (Savings) account with one invoice outstanding for this period for the erection of a memorial in Hemswell Civil Cemetery.
- A transfer of £5000.00 was made between the current and instant access account to cover predicted expenditure over the next six months/year end.
Payments for ratification as below:
Expenditure (Payee) |
Amount |
Details |
Gibson’s Home & Garden Services |
5 x £95.00 = £475.00 |
Grass cutting [Inv 2414, 2415, 2417, 2418, 2419] |
Information Commissioner’s Office |
£35.00 |
ICO Registration [Direct Debit] |
Cemetery Hedge Cutting (Gibson’s Home & Garden) |
£280.00 |
Cutting of internal hedges to cemetery [Inv 2416] |
Barrett Tree Care |
£1350.00 |
Tree works along the Beck [Inv 8/10/2024] |
Village Hall Hire |
£26.25 |
Meetings for Sept & Oct 2024 [Inv 015 & 016] |
SLCC Qualification Fee |
£450.00 |
CiLCA Qualification [InvQL206105) Staff |
Clerk Salary |
£452.06 |
Sept & Oct 2024 |
Staff Expenses |
£150.38 |
Travel, home allowance & sundries (Clerk) |
£169.60 |
Months 4-6 PAYE (Staff) |
Unity Trust Bank |
£23.40 |
Unity Trust Bank service charges (Sept & Oct) |
Total Paid Out |
£3411.69 |
Monies Received |
Unity Trust Account |
£145.68 |
Total Paid In |
£145.68 |
Outstanding Invoices Kettle of Brigg Funeral Directors |
£150.00 |
Memorial Erection [Inv 05-2024-5] |
- VAT against non-business expenditure stands at £8.75. Claim to be submitted end of the current FY.
- RECONCILIATION OF ACCOUNTS for the period July-Oct 2024 was undertaken by Cllr. James during November.
- EXPENDITURE OVER £100.00 -Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities (DCLG 2014) requires Hemswell Parish Council to publish a list of all payments over £100 (NET). Details of these payments can be found on the Parish Council website.
RESOLVED to ACCEPT the Financial Report as an accurate record.
The RFO advised members of the decision of the ‘National Agreement on Pay & Conditions of Service of the National Joint Council (NJC)’ for authorisation of staff back pay and pay increase. With effect from 1 April 2024, an increase of £1,290 (pro rata for part-time employees) will be paid as a consolidated, permanent addition on all NJC pay points 2 to 43 inclusive. Back pay will be calculated from April 1st 2024 for submission with the next staff payslip and the new pay scale applied for remaining months of this FY.
RESOLVED to NOTE the NJC decision for implementation.
76-11-25/26 b. To consider and approve the PC budget for the FY 2025/2026 be set at £11,725.00.
The Chair of the Finance Committee, Cllr. G. Jago gave a summary of the meeting of the Finance Committee held 24/11/2024. A line-by-line consideration and review was undertaken of the proposed budget concluding that members of the committee were very satisfied with the budget outturn for the next financial year and approved the proposed budget. The clerk presented a budget comparison table from 2020/21 to 2025/26, including the amount drawn from PC reserves to offset the proposed precept demand.
- PC predicted operating costs: £10,488.00 + increase for Earmarked Reserves: £2962
- PC budget for FY 2025-2026: £11,725.00
- PC offset from reserves: £1437.00
RESOLVED to ACCEPT the proposed budget for the FY 2025/26 as £11,725.00.
76-11-25/26 c. To resolve to monitor the allocation of funds in PC Earmarked Reserves via the Finance Committee and Scheme of Delegation. Members discussed the allocated Earmarked Reserves.
RESOLVED to AGREE that the Finance Committee and the clerk’s delegated powers be used to monitor the allocation and level of funds in Earmarked Reserves.
76-11-25/26 d. To consider and approve the PC Precept demand for the FY 2025/2026 be set at £10,000.00 and to submit the Precept Estimate and annual audit return of latest accounts to WLDC by Friday 22 November 2024.
Members agreed with the recommendation by the PC Finance Committee PC that a precept demand for FY 2025-2026 of £10,000 be submitted to WLDC. The precept is equivalent to a £4.24 increase pa (<.010p per week) for a Band D property (estimated). Other tax band properties may pay more or pay less than this. WLDC to confirm tax base in Jan 2025.
RESOLVED to AGREE the precept demand for FY 2025/26 at £10,000. ACTION: RFO to submit the Precept Estimate and annual audit return of latest accounts to WLDC by Friday 22 November 2024.
77-11-25/26 PLANNING MATTERS To consider planning application no. WL/2024/00881, Erection of detached garage and workshop. 18 Church St., Hemswell. DN21 5UQ. Members felt the scale of the building indicated the planning application may be for the running of a business and whether this could be deemed a change of use. Members were concerned by the number of vehicles and lack of detailed dimensions in the planning application.
RESOLVED toSUBMIT comments raising concerns expressed by residents and the PC to WLDC planning department. ACTION: Clerk to reply to WLDC within stated deadline.
A comprehensive oral report was received from District Cllr. Paul Howitt Cowan. The report can be accessed via the PC website:
A comprehensive oral report was received from Mr Bill Baker, Chair of the Village Hall Committee.
- New members were recruited to the Village Hall Committee in the summer. There are now 4 Trustees and 5 Friends. I became the Chair in October.
- Our core responsibilities are to run the VH: pay bills/utilities, oversee its upkeep and maintain the playground. Although there might be some capacity to organise events (and lead those of May Day) this is not the committee’s role.
- We hosted successful Harvest Supper raising £383.50, a Macmillan Coffee morning which raised £285.05 for the charity, sold hotdogs and chocolate drinks on Halloween raising £86 and the Quiz night on 20th will be attended by 30 people.
- We are looking at the costs of opening the hall eg electricity and cost of an ad hoc cleaner, and setting an appropriate charge without discouraging its use.
- There are currently £14,252 + £444 in reserves.
- Maintenance is ongoing with recurrent damp issues.
- The ROSPA Report on the playground suggested a number of low risk issues with one higher risk on the gate into the park.
- The profile of the VH is being raised through Facebook and an electronic booking system is being worked on.
- The VH seeks to work with the PC in an open, transparent and supportive way.
- Future Actions: planning for May Day, to develop a priority list for future spend.
- The VH Committee will be seeking a Grant/Donation towards the purchase of a village Christmas Tree.
79-11-25/26 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – To resolve to note the date and time of the next Parish Council Meeting - Monday 20 January 2025, 7:00 pm.
Meeting closed: 8.20 pm