July 2024 - Minutes of Ordinary Meeting
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Hemswell Parish Council, Monday 15th July 2024, 7.00 pm in the Hemswell and Harpswell Village Hall, Maypole Street, Hemswell.
Present: Parish Councillors: Cllr. J. Roberts (Chair), Cllr. M. Foster (Vice-Chair), Cllr. P. Sutherland, Cllr. R. James. Clerk: E. Raymond. Member(s) of the Public (MoP): 5. In attendance: District Cllr. Paul Howitt-Cowan.
Public Forum Start 7:00 PM
Members of the public:
i. A resident:
- Expressed concern at the raised ironworks at the corner of Church St./Dawnhill Lane. Chair advised it had been reported with photos via FixMyStreet.
- Asked if the PC could provide community/neighbour watch boards in the village. The scheme is no longer active in the village and there were questions as to whether it was needed and whether the initiative still exists. Clerk to follow up.
- Asked a question on behalf of the Village Hall for a donation by the PC to the planned Harvest Supper. Village Hall committee member to contact clerk.
ii. A resident:
- Asked for clarification regarding gates across the Weldons and why the landowners have objected to opening gates, explaining that some gates are/have been padlocked shut. The resident explained that existing stiles make access along the footpath difficult, especially so for dogs to cross over/under the stiles safely. The resident asked whether stiles could be altered/adjusted to support the ‘access for all’ concept. No conclusion was reached.
iii. A resident:
- Reported water flowing along Dawnhill Lane is creating muddy standing water on the corner of Dawnhill Lane makes it difficult to access the dog waste bin.
- Resident asked what progress has been made in addressing the issues of running water along Brook Street and was advised that emails are regularly being sent to LCC/County Cllr. but without response. Residents raised safety concerns from the standing water freezing (as last winter) creating an expense of ice on a blind bend as last winter. Concluded more efforts to be put into contacting Highways to get a response to complaints raised by residents and the PC.
The Chair thanked the public for their contributions and convened the Parish Council meeting at 7:23 PM.
35-07-24/25 CHAIRPERSON WELCOME & REMARKS Cllr. Roberts opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
36-07-24/25 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr. Jago was absent. No apologies received.
38-07-24/25 NOTES To consider and resolve to approve the Minutes of the Annual PC Meeting held Monday 20th May 2024 and to sign as agreed minutes. RESOLVED that Minutes of the Annual PC Meeting held Monday 20th May 2024 be approved and signed as a correct record.
39-07-24/25 REVIEW OF ACTION ITEMS The clerk summarised completed actions as follows:
- Paperwork following the election of Chair & Vice Chair returned to WLDC
- Switch from TSB to Unity Trust Bank (3/5 members mandated – others in progress)
- Policy revision/approvals from May meeting completed and on PC website
- Annual insurance premium paid, subscriptions renewed
- Personnel committee members ToR on PC website and members appointed
- Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability Report/notices – confirmation from external auditor received. Certificate of Exemption & Public Rights Notices on PC website
Ongoing matters:
- Revision and update of PC asset register – to progress via members and clerk
- Finance committee members ToR on PC website, additional member to be appointed.
RESOLVED to NOTE the review of action items and to appoint Cllr. James as member of the Finance Committee.
40-07-24/25 CLERK’S REPORT The clerk summarised matters completed as part of regular duties and items dealt with under the Scheme of Delegation
Clerk to Parish Council Matters Regular duties and previous meeting actions, circulation of relevant news/emails, cleaning and decorating bus shelter to mark D-Day anniversary, collection of speed data, return of planning application comment (under Scheme of Delegation) and the WLDC 5 Year Housing Land supply request.
- Date for CPR training arranged for early September. Event to be advertised and promoted via notices/social media.
- Email to County & District Cllrs regarding the ongoing issue of water along Brook Street.
- Reporting of fly-tipping and raised iron works.
- Email from the Church Warden with a request for PC to consider a grant toward the cost of grass cutting. PC application form sent by return requesting full details & supporting invoices.
Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) - Financial accounts, invoices for transacting, payroll.
Burial Authority - Interment of Ashes: 24 May 2024. Following interment, the deceased's family made a very generous donation of £500 to the PC to support improvements in the cemetery.
RESOLVED to NOTE the clerk’s report.
41-07-24/25 a.
i. To review and approve minor amendments to Hemswell Civil Cemetery Regulations and Management Policy and discuss cemetery charges. A review of burial regulations and a comparison table of local cemetery fees were sent to members for discussion. Members were reminded that Hemswell Civil Cemetery fees were raised in 2023 to closer align with local cemeteries with further incremental rises were agreed to support planned work, rising costs of grounds upkeep and administration of burial-related work. Clerk to advise the chair on which services require an increase to equate with neighbouring cemeteries. RESOLVED to APPROVE amendments to the policy and to implement an increase in some items to take effect in August 2024. ACTION: Clerk to implement changes and publish to PC website.
ii. To review and approve a ‘Unreasonably Persistent or Vexatious Complaints Policy’ (First Issue). Members discussed the rationale behind the policy. Members agreed that although it was hoped it would never be necessary to implement the policy, it provided a framework that set out the definitions and terms needed for transparency and avoidance of doubt. The District Councillor encouraged members to adopt the policy as an important governance document. RESOLVED to APPROVE the Unreasonably Persistent or Vexatious Complaints Policy. ACTION: Clerk to publish to PC website and add to PC Policy Spreadsheet.
42-07-24/25 b.To consider and discuss requirements and quotation for works to undertake full-height (approx. 60 ft/18.3 m) cleaning of the Maypole with an indicated cost for work and sundries at approx. £1000.00. Members discussed the proposal to use specialist equipment and personnel from a local contractor. Options for cleaning fluids, cleaning methods and traffic management were discussed. Members agreed early spring would be the optimum cleaning time. The chair asked how frequently the Maypole might need cleaning for budgetary purposes, and the clerk advised it was not possible to identify a suitable ‘sealant’ to extend the period between cleaning at this time, but images and assessment of the surface condition can be made when cleaning is undertaken to estimate the frequency between cleaning, e.g., annually, bi-annually.
The question of whether the Maypole could be lowered for cleaning was considered, but it is believed that the Maypole is approximately 20 feet taller than the original structure. Although it is designed to be lowered, it may interfere with overhead wires, would require specialist contractors and health and safety measures and incur significant cost.
The District Councillor most generously offered £500.00 toward the cost of cleaning the Maypole from his councillor’s personal allowance. Members and residents expressed their thanks to the District Cllr for his support and financial assistance. The District Cllr. advised he would send the necessary paperwork to the clerk.
In addition to Maypole cleaning, a member reminded the PC that a safe means of affixing ribbons for Mayday celebrations was still needed. One option may be to hire a suitable ‘cherry picker’ type vehicle to safely fix and remove ribbons. Clerk to investigate costs and feasibility. RESOLVED to APPROVE the proposed quotation. ACTION: The clerk to liaise with contractor to arrange a date and necessary arrangements for full-height cleaning in early spring. Clerk to complete Grant form provided by District Cllr.
43-07-24/25 c. To receive a report from the tree survey/assessment of Beck Lane and to identify actions for implementation. Cllr. James presented a detailed, illustrated summary of findings and recommendations from the survey/reports of Hemswell Civil Cemetery and Beck Lane, both designated as a ‘Local Green Space’ (LGS). Suggestions included leaving an area of the cemetery for native flower planting, extending the width of mown areas along Beck Lane to discourage dog fouling in the overgrown areas, clearing of ivy, bamboo, nettles and some non-native plants that have become established along the path. A member asked if an additional dog waste bin would help mid-way along the Beck, but this raised issue of emptying the bin on a regular basis to prevent it becoming a health hazard.
The PC covers the cost of maintaining Beck Lane area under a duty of care for those using it. A tree surgeon visit is planned to quote for tree works identified in the report that will be paid for from PC earmarked reserves. Members discussed ‘ownership’ of the area. It is not known who owns the land, and it is not a Public Right of Way. A member advised that registration as ‘common land’ was onerous (compared with registration as a ‘village/town green’) and may introduce ‘common rights’ and liability issues. After discussion, members agreed the PC should support the community/volunteers to tidy and improve the appearance and access along the Beck, together with a cemetery ‘tidy-up’ including new signage explaining the value and importance of the Local Green Spaces. RESOLVED to ARRANGE a series of ‘Action Days’, with the help and support of volunteers to undertake specific tidy-up tasks along Beck Lane and in the cemetery. ACTION: Clerk and members to promote/organise volunteering days via social media and notices.
44-07-24/25 d. To discuss the draft PC ‘Action Plan’ for 2024-2026 to identify priorities/budget implications for the next FY.
The chair outlined the purpose of the Action Plan being to demonstrate due diligence and accountability by identifying key performance indicators that evidence how the PC meets its statutory duties and how funds are spent. A member suggested an additional point be added to the effect that the ‘PC continues to hold external agencies to account in the PC’s efforts to promote and support a sustainable community and environment’, citing the issue of water along Brook Street. RESOLVED to DISCUSS the Action Plan at the first meeting of the Finance Committee to consider budget implications and report back to the full council. ACTION: Clerk to add as Agenda Item at Finance Committee meeting.
45-07-24/25 e. To receive an update of data from the Speed Indicator Device (SID) on Bunker’s Hill. The clerk presented data collected from Bunker’s Hill for the period of 30 April – 12 July 2024. Total Vehicles: 19,367, a daily average counts 263. Average Speed: 26.84 mph (85th Percentile: 32.1 mph). Max Speed recorded in this period: 51 mph on 8th June 2024 at 16:36. Members noted that descent into the village from the 50pmh zone may account for the 85th percentile of 32.1mph, i.e., travelling over the speed limit. The chair summarised the report stating that the benefit of the SID in raising awareness of speeding is clearly working. A resident and the chair thanked Mr Richard Brown for relocating the SID to Church Street. RESOLVED to NOTE the data presented.
a. To receive the financial report and approve/ratify payments.
Receipts and payments summary for the period 21 May – 12 July 2024: Unity Trust Accounts
Current Account: £3522.74. Instant Access Account: £21,017.40. Total cash in bank = £24540.14
The RFO advised the switch from TSB to Unity Trust Bank is complete. The current account holds approx. 5 months of working capital with the balance in the Instant Access Account. Interest paid to date is £17.40 compared with TSB bank of £27.33 in the whole of the last FY. Over the remainder of the FY, this is expected to offset the £6.00 pm account fee. The clerk can now view the accounts and authorisations by councillors are more efficient and easier. The new arrangements still meet the same ‘checks and balances’ required by the Financial Regulations.
Expenditure during May- July included staff costs and grass cutting, village hall hire, PAYE and a tree survey along Beck Lane (WLDC Grant Funded). Income for the period has been greater than normal due to the VAT reclaim and a very generous donation of £500.00 to the PC following an ashes interment in the cemetery. The funds have been earmarked for improvements to the cemetery's grounds.
Summary of payments and approvals.
Expenditure (Payee) |
Amount |
Details |
Tree Generation Survey |
£525.00 |
Survey of Beck Lane (WLDC Grant Funded) |
Gibson’s Home & Garden Services |
4 x £95.00 = £380 |
Grass cutting [Inv 2406], [2407], [2408], [2409] |
Village Hall Hire |
£28.13 |
Meeting for May 2024 [Inv13] |
Clerk Salary |
£452.06 |
May & June 2024 |
Staff Expenses (April-June2024) |
£163.49 |
Travel, noticeboard lock, land search fee + incidentals |
Unity Trust Service Fee |
£2.57 |
Bank charges |
Total Paid Out |
£1556.25 |
Committed Expenditure |
£169.29 |
Due 22 July 2024 |
Monies Received |
VAT Reclaim |
£402.59 |
VAT Reclaim (Period Oct 2023 – March 2024 |
Donation |
£500.00 |
Family donation following interment of ashes |
£3.56 + £3.69 = £7.25 |
Bank Interest (May 2024 & June 2024 |
£17.40 |
Bank Interests (June 2024) |
Total Paid In |
£927.24 |
- VAT against non-business expenditure currently stands at £8.75. Claim will be submitted at the end of the FY.
- RECONCILIATION OF ACCOUNTS for April – June 2024 will be undertaken by a councillor in the next two weeks.
- EXPENDITURE OVER £100.00 Details and payments can be found on the Parish Council website.
RESOLVED to ACCEPT the Financial Report as an accurate record.
47-07-24/25 PLANNING MATTERS None received.
48-07-24/25 REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS - Invitations to receive reports extended to County & District Cllrs., PCSO, Village Hall Committee (and external agencies and sub-committees as appropriate). For information only. Verbal reports to be limited to 5 minutes duration each.
- County Cllr. Clio Perraton-Williams – none received.
- District Cllr. Paul Howitt-Cowan updated the meeting on approval of the West Burton solar farm and likely changes regarding ‘green’ energy and planning reforms, including impact on NHPs. WLDC to receive £2.5m for a new leisure centre if the development includes sources of renewable energy. The Cllr reported the new WLDC planning portal has not been well received by the public. The Cllr. stressed the importance of focusing on leisure and tourism for the region, including Old Hall, Gainsborough and supporting events such as the WLDC Churches Festival
- The Hemswell & Harpswell Village Hall Committee submitted a report, which the clerk read. A copy is available on the PC website.
- Cllr. James advised members of an email from a resident regarding land along Weldon Road, described as an ‘eyesore’ after works by Northern Power and Limestone. The resident enquired whether the PC would consider ‘landscaping’ the area. Members pointed out that the PC does not own the land, and it would not be in a position to support this request. The District Cllr advised the meeting that Limestone are aware and will be addressing the state of the land.
49-07-24/25 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – To resolve to note the date and time of the next Parish Council Meeting - Monday 16th September 2024, 7:00 pm.
Meeting closed 8.30 pm