March 20 - Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes
RECORD OF THE Hemswell Parish Annual Assembly
Held on Tuesday 16th March 2020 at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall
Present: Chairman Cllr C Black; Cllr P Walkinson; Cllr M Foster; Cllr B Mander Cllr. J Roberts and Cllr. R Hazell
Also Present: District Cllr Paul Howitt-Cowan.
Apologies: Cllr. P Huntley, PCSO Julie Mcfaul
1. Chairman’s Welcome and Annual report
Looking back over the year it would seem we had a busy year as a parish council.The neighbourhood Plan has been on going. The design principles came in May and the full plan being available for review this year. Many thanks to Phil and Bryan from our village for all their hard work and keeping going and completing it.
We had our usual planning applications to discuss, some controversial, others not.
The most noticeable thing in the village is the painting of the maypole, quite an improvement, thanks to Bryan for sorting it out and to Paul for making a donation from the District Council and we also had a donation from James Roberts.
The council will have have turned over more this year than ever with the neighbourhood plan, making trees safe in Beck Lane and refencing the cemetery.
Thanks to Bob for keeping the finances in order despite the bank losing the Mandates and bouncing the May Pole cheque at one point.
We have also updated the asset management list.
Richard continues to do a splendid job of maintaining the village and on Saturday we replaced the sleepers on the bridge down Beck Lane. Thanks to Paul W for sorting out the sleepers and providing muscle.
We now have a full council. Thankyou for attending the meetings and participating in the discussings.
2. Record of Annual Meeting 2019
Signed and agreed as a correct record
Proposed: Cllr M Foster; Seconded Cllr. J Roberts; Unanimous
3. Report from District Councillor Howitt-Cowan
May I take the opportunity of saying ‘ thank you’ to the members of the Parish Council who voluntarily give of their time and expertise in the service of the village. And I extend this to members of the Village Hall Committee and to any other group which cultivates the ethos of community spirit which is so important and a reminder that ‘ no man is an island’.
2019 District Councillor Elections:
In May 2019, I was returned for the fourth time to serve another term as District Councillor and in May 2920 I shall have represented the Hemswell Ward ten years [Glentworth was merged into the Hemswell Ward in 2015 after a Boundary Review] which has passed swiftly but very rewarding and enjoyable. I try to attend Meetings of the Parish Councils on a regular basis and if unable to do so, I invariably send a written report. By good fortune and your support I appear to be your longest serving district councilor to date and I pay especial compliment to my eight predecessors.
Cllr Giles McNeil became the Leader of WLDC in succession to Cllr Summers and Cllr Owen Bierley continued as Deputy Leader.
District cllr’s commitments:
I have served on the following committees during the last civic year , ^steering groups and ~outside bodies 2019/20
Planning Committee
Prosperous Communities - Vice Chair
Corporate Policy & Resources
Regulatory and Licensing
^Environmental & Sustainability - Vice Chair
Heritage, Tourism, Leisure, and Events – Chair
^Member Development - reserve member
~Charles Cooper Almshouse Trust - Chair
~West Lindsey Open Churches Festival - Chair
Neighbourhood Plan
I am very supportive of Neighbourhood Plans and appreciative of the the hard work and commitment made by those on the steering group for the Hemswell and Harpswell Neighbourhood Plan. It is voluntary and I salute them for their the time, their commitment and their enthusiasm in mapping out the future shape of our two villages. I have read the accompanying documents with great interest.I hope that it has the whole support of its residents when it passes to the Referendum stage which it richly deserves
Chief Executive Model at WLDC:
With two of the three directors managing WLDC departing WLDC has fallen back on the Chief Executive model on appointing Mr Ian Knowles who was director of Resources Ian is very competent and approachable and already enjoys a very good track record with the Authority. He has intimated that he wishes to visit all 36 wards to enable him obtain a better understanding of the district and he is hoping to visit the Hemswell Ward on the 29th of October.
Commercial Portfolio
WLDC has collated a portfolio of properties which attract returns in order to bridge the growing gap caused by a reduction in central government funding. Councils are prevented increasing community tax or the rates by 2%/3%unless by referendum which for WLDC would be £100k and therefore prohibitive.
Lea Fields Crematoria
Opened early this year costing £6 million, the chapel holds 120 people and is set in an appealing landscape, attracting, we hope, local custom reducing people travelling time to Lincoln and Scunthorpe. To date there have been over 33 cremations which is on track according to the business case
To be located in Gainsborough Market Place replacing the site occupied by Oldrids which will include a 4 screen cinema, three commercial outlets and car parking.It will create employment 25 people either part or full time. If given the green light by Planning it is hoped to have it ready in 2021. The cinema will be leased to Quay.
The Gainsborough Post Office will be relocated in the former Santander on Market St very close to the Rose Way Car Park.
Refuse Depot This will replace two which are not ‘ fit for purpose’ and long overdue, to be located off Caenby Corner in the parish of Glentham.
Gainsborough Marina at the South end of Town on the River Trent is ongoing but subject to investment it may attract a new audience to the town and make greater use of the River Trent .A Compulsory Purchase Order is to be served on the identified land
Dry Leisure Centre Market Rasen
This is almost complete and will be a great asset to Market Rasen and to the surrounding communities.
Housing Expansion Bowling Green Lane Gainsborough
This is a £20 million pound development, 135 houses many of which will be ‘affordable’ housing and tidy up that area which has laid waste for 30 years or more, and enable the joining up the river walk along the bank of the River Trent allowing people to walk along the bank from Morton to the Trent Bridge without hindrance.
Heritage and Tourism Leisure and Events:
The recently refurbished Maypole looks very impressive bearing the national colours of the United Kingdom. I congratulate those who were engaged in raising the funding, and to Cllr Mander for project managing the refurbishment of the Hemswell Maypole. I understand that only six survive with its tradition in the country and this is something to celebrate.
This year marks several anniversaries of local interest;
The Sailing of the Mayflower 1620 – 2020
The 800th anniversary of the canonization of St Hugh of Lincoln 1220 - 2020
In May, the 24th West Lindsey Churches Festival – under 100 churches / chapels participating
Bi centenary of the death of Sir Joseph Banks
VE 75th anniversary Celebrations, which has led to a change in the Spring Bank Holiday to Friday 8 May.
Gainsborough Old Hall is to be managed by English Heritage as from 1st of November 2020.
Community Lottery:
This was launched last Tuesday 3 of March at Hemswell Court, it goes live on the14 of April and the first draw is on Saturday 30 of May. Its appeal may be that the monies raised 60p in the £ will be going to worthy causes within West Lindsey.
Local Plan for Greater Lincolnshire
Is now under review
Parish Charter:
After several years this has been refreshed and now out for public consultation Its main thrust is to strengthen the working partnership between Parish Councils and the District whereby in the past there has been suspicion and poor relationships. The linch pin is the District Cllr who should be a regular attendee of Parish Council meetings, communicating and events and contributing a report if unable to attend Parish Council meetings.
This is re emerging but in a revised format and there is a strong possibility that we do not have a mayor.
Parish Boundary Review:
Governance and Audit Committee has announced that it intends carrying out a boundary review which may result in recommendations such as; Hemswell and Harpswell combining as one Parish Council, Springthorpe and Heapham likewise and possibly Willoughton and Blyborough with Grayingham. At present, Springthorpe, Harpswell, Blyborough and Grayingham enjoy Annual Parish Meetings because their populations are under 200 people. Two more parish councils may well emerge from this Review in addition to the existing four.
Conservation Areas Review:
This is to be refreshed after several years, the current ones will continue [ 25 across the district] and there may well be a few additional areas which qualify for that status.
Member Development:
A working group was set up to focus on how best to pursue member development or training of councillors. Those members of Regulatory and Licensing, Planning, Governance and Audit have to under go compulsory training. At present general training workshops are held throughout the year at the Guildhall but poorly supported and one serious recommendation is to harness technology so that members follow for example a modular course on the computer at home, very similar to the way we train school governors and other people.
Chairman & Vice Training
WL is putting on training for chairmen of committees to help and assist them in their duties and responsibilities. I welcome this and it’s the first time such training has been offered since I was elected.
Environmental & Sustainability Steering Group:
This is in response to the Green Agenda. WLDC has a limited brief however it can look at its buildings and land to see what more can be done to make them environmentally friendly.
Its greatest role will be to encourage residents to become more efficient in a host of ways, such as; installing LED lighting, switching off tv sets at the plug and not leaving them on stand by, reducing use of plastic, reduce the amount of waste food ,installing solar panels, insulating homes, become paper less, use wherever possible, public transport etc.
Dog fouling and fly tipping are scourges of modern society which are preventable and desecrate our streets and green spaces, we need to instill civic pride, which implies a greater care for the environment.
Parishes may wish to manage their green spaces in a more enlightened way, instead of manicured green spaces, sow wild flowers along the verges etc look at creating Church yards becoming God’s Acre etc.
There are long term plans to collect food waste and transport to Biomass units to produce energy which is already being done at Hemswell Cliff. This project is caught up in a mire of who pays, as local authorities do not have the funding to invest in this and are naturally looking to central government for the funding to implement this long over due project.
Although we may not influence on the global level we can make a contribution where we live, play and work.
I was talking the other day to VI formers from a local school,the majority of whom came to school in cars. They were talking to me about the urgency of addressing the planet and I was impressed by their passion for the welfare of creation. And I said to them, “ You all come to school in individual cars when a school bus is provided for you and look what you could be contributing -making a small contribution towards the care of that creation by sacrificing your own freedom of the use of your car, it all starts locally” .The next day they were all there at school in their cars!
Community Grants
These are continuing for the next three years in the form of Cllr Initiative Fund and Match Funding Community Grants up to £8kmax and £500 minimum and organizations whereby WLDC will contribute 30% of the total costs whilst the other 2/3rds is raised from other sources.
Senior Management of WLDC
Remains in the hands of three directors and there is no intention of appointing a Chief Executive fore the seeable future.
WLDC continues to offer an efficient, cost effective value for money service despite the challenging times we are in.
Corporate Policy
A refreshed Corporate Policy is under construction and will have three themes; Council, People and Place which will direct the future service of the Council for the next 4 years.
Central Lincolnshire Local Plan
is to be given a revision after its adoption a few years ago, for example the future of Scampton RAF base was not addressed as news of its closure in 2020 had not been confirmed until last year and therefore that base requires an overview for future planning and we may have to cut back on the number of housing in Gainsborough which was unrealistic then and now!.
Commercial arm of the Council
This has been pursued in order to bridge the gap created by the reduction in central government funding. The Council has used its reserves and has borrowed to invest in the building of a crematoria, which is currently under construction. It has invested in businesses in West Lindsey and beyond.
The Hotel in North St Gainsborough is now up and running with a refurbished as is the extended car park[ Roseway]
Several 18c properties [ two out of the four are now let] on the north side of Market St have undergone extensive refurbishment, creating three flats above them, which are for sale or rent in order to encourage people to live within the centre of Town. This is the first step towards a much larger process which will include the Market Place, which is ripe for development and the creation of living accommodation over the shops thereby regenerating the centre of the Town.
‘Discover Gainsborough’ and its environs is now well underway. This hopes to captialise on Gainsborough’s heritage to attract tourism and build on its market credentials, the latter proving challenging.
Council Chamber
This has undergone a refurbishment with four large tv monitors to help both council meetings and the public appreciate visual presentations.
Neighbourhood Plans:
WLD is populated with communities pursuing neighborhood plans and the input by residents is much applauded as they take on the responsibility for the shape and direction of their villages under planning. I wish to pay compliment to those in Hemswell village who have undertaken ownership of their Neighborhood Plan; it’s an important investment, which I hope will pay dividends well in the future.
Green Collection Bins:
WLDC withheld charging whilst all the other district councils in Lincolnshire had imposed charges long before us. The charge of £35 will hold this year 2019/20 and the uptake has been considerable. The budget restraints will not allow WLDC to offer a free service. However, the Minister for the Environment is talking about a national green bin collection and this can only work if central government funds it. Despite fears, the charging for green bins has not seen an increase in fly tipping Watch this Space
I wish to put on record my thanks to the village hall committee and all other organizations, such as the church which engage with the Community. I am ever conscious that more people these days are dying of what the medical profession calls the disease of ‘loneliness’. So many in our towns and villages are isolated and bereft of family. It is vital that we engage in community to help and support our people to care for them. And the village hall and the church are great community resources which need supporting and supporters. ‘No man is an island’ and I know that in Hemswell village every effort is made to sustain the sense of community. I often think of myself as your ‘Community’ Councillor than as a political animal and it has been a privilege to have served you in that capacity over the past nine years with the support of the Parish Council.
I sit on Health Scrutiny at County level and on Wednesday we shall be looking at NHS and I was taken aback by the revelation that in Gainsborough the a man’s healthy life expectancy is 56.9 years, which is almost 6.5 years below the national average and alarmingly 10 years before the national pension age. Dundee is the lowest at 54.3 years, ie 2.6 lower than that of Gainsborough.
I am heartened that to come to the aid of the social fabric of the Town and hinterland WLDC has a chance of obtaining monies from a £33 million fund. I see this as a social investment of great potential for our communities .
Future of LCC Heritage Services:
At long last the report following the review has now been published. It effects all our residents as they have access to the Collections/ Usher Art Gallery, Lincoln Castle, Lincolnshire Life Museum, Gainsborough Old Hall. We are now in consultation mode for the next weeks our input. Please respond as the very future of these sites is in the balance. The Archives is to be a separate report and is therefore not included in this exercise.
In a matter of weeks the District and Parish elections are to held not only here but across the country .I fear that Brexit will cast a dark shadow over these democratic proceedings. I think the electorate will not focus on the ‘local’ issues but vent their anger at their first opportunity [or indeed stay away] disillusioned with the democratic process. I hope I am not a victim of this feared back lash as I seek a fourth term as your District Councillor.
I wish you well in your responsibility for Hemswell village
PDJ Howitt-Cowan 24/02/2020
No police report
5 Report from Village Hall Committee
Because of the corona virus most of the planned work for the village hall for this spring could be put on hold. Their planned activities including a street party on the 8th May to celebrate May Day and the 75th Anniversary of the ending of the 2nd World War might be affected..
6. Report From Neighbourhood Plan Given By CLLR.Bryan Mander
There has been a slight delay because of illness.
Review and comments by Steering group
Plan available for initial Public viewing / attended by 25 parishioners
Only two people objected to a small part but the feedback from all others were very positive.
7. Residents Queries
A Parishioner asked
I would be interested to know whether there is any plan at Parish level to endeavour to slow Climate Change.
We could reduce electricity use by dimming or turning off street lights at a certain time and encouraging residents to turn off unnecessary outside lights on their properties.
Spring water has long been a problem at the top of Brook Street, how can we stop the waste?
Could we plant trees somewhere - the cemetery?
Government has ideas but needs people in such communities as ours to be active.
Pity about the wind farm but we didn't understand the urgency.
Have we a plan in Hemswell?
It was agreed to air this in the newsletter.
8. Meeting closed – 7.18pm
9. Date of next Annual Parish Assembly – 15th March 2021