Treasurers Report 2021-2022

Treasurer’s Report for year 2021-22

We have just completed our end of year accounts which show an end of year balance of  £24135.41. This gave us a profit of £2,410.73 for the year. We had several large expenditure items, mainly, resurfacing in the play area £8475.91 and rebuilding the wall adjacent to the play area £1921.80. This was offset by the receipt of an additional £12143.73 in Covid Business Interruption Grants from West Lindsey. Since October 2021 our electricity costs have increased substantially with the unit price rising from 12p/kwh to 30p/kwh with the cost from November to February inclusive totalling £1961.93. Income from hall hire is averaging approximately £280 pcm.

Looking forward to the 2022/23 year, the immediate issues facing us are -

1. Reducing electric consumption.

2. Maintaining a regular income for the hall.

3. Improving the fabric of the hall including: resolving pointing and damp issues in the hall, redecoration and heating.

4. New Goal Posts.

I suggest we maintain our contingency at £ 8,000.00, this will now equate to approximately one years running costs with the heating in use. We will be reviewing our Insurance in the next year as our current five year agreement comes to an end in February 2023.


Paul Watkinson

May 2022