20 January 2025 - Ordinary Meeting Minutes UNADOPTED

UNADOPTED Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting Monday 20th January 2025

Present: Parish Councillors:  Cllr. J. Roberts (Chair), Cllr. M. Foster (Vice-Chair), Cllr. P. Sutherland, Cllr. R. James, Cllr. G. Jago. Clerk: E. Raymond. In attendance: District Cllr. P. Howitt-Cowan. Member(s) of the Public (MoP): 2 

Public Forum Start 7:00 pm. Members of the public:

i.  A resident commented on the deplorable state of roads in Hemswell following the top-dressing work in 2024. The loose gravel on the streets is a hazard to cyclists and causes car damage. The Chair echoed the frustration felt by residents, and a further complaint and request for road sweeping will be made via FixMyStreet. 

ii.  A resident questioned the location of the 50mph limit on Bunkers Hill and why the 30mph sign is not placed higher up the road toward Middle Street. The Chair reminded the meeting of the response given by LCC Highways when this issue was raised previously, stating that it could not be moved. The Chair suggested that the Speed Indicator Device be moved to Bunkers Hill to reinforce the need for a safe, not maximum speed, when descending Bunkers Hill. The resident also reported a streetlight not working on Weldon Road. 

iii.  A resident asked about the County Cllr. and whether they had ever submitted a report or attended a PC meeting. The Chair advised that the County Cllr. is not obliged to attend meetings but that County and District Cllrs. and other external parties are all invited to attend meetings or submit a report that can be read on their behalf. The Chair thanked the District Cllr. for their regular attendance at PC meetings.

The Chair thanked the public for their contributions and convened the Parish Council meeting at 7:15 pm.


80-01-24/25 CHAIRPERSON WELCOME & REMARKS Cllr. Roberts opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

81-01-24/25 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE All members present. No apologies.


83-01-24/25 NOTES To consider and resolve to approve the Minutes of the PC Meeting held Monday 18th November 2024 and to sign as agreed minutes.

RESOLVED that Minutes of the PC Meeting held Monday, 18th November 2024, be approved and signed as a correct record.

84-01-24/25 REVIEW OF ACTION ITEMS To review the action list and receive updates from those responsible for the actions. The clerk reported on items arising from the meeting of 18th November 2024, including:

  • Street lighting – corner of Church St/Dawnhill Lane. WLDC Parish Lighting Policy outlined. PC would need to meet the criteria in order to submit an application for an additional lamp & fund the installation & maintenance costs. 
  • Planning Application 18 Church St, Hemswell. PC response submitted & received revised application [Agenda item 88-01-24/25]
  • Pedestrian line markings (Ref. 2817182 – Investigations ongoing as of 20.01.2025 
  • Tree removal along Bunkers Hill (Ref: 782070). Advised of 11th March 2025 start date. 3 trees on the left and two on the right to be felled. Trees with ivy are to be managed.
  • LCC Highways, Brook Street. Drainage investigations. Report received. See clerk’s report.
  • Replacement bench for the Beck. Order to be placed, bench to be collected & fitted when ground conditions improve.
  • Reserves policy updated & posted to PC website.
  • Maypole repainting. Company contacted with a planned date for works w/c 24 Feb 2025.
  • Cemetery Noticeboard purchased. To be installed when ground conditions allow.

RESOLVED TO NOTE the review of action items.

85-01-25/26 CLERK’S REPORT To receive the clerk’s report on correspondence/communications, outstanding matters, and items dealt with under the Scheme of Delegation.

Clerk to Parish Council Matters - Regular duties, follow-up actions from previous meetings, circulation of relevant news/emails, responses to emails, procurement, policy revisions, etc. 

Correspondence of note:

  • LCC Highways: Clerk requested an update on markings for a pedestrian walkway and tree works on Bunkers Hill. Pedestrian walkway (Ref: 2817182) ongoing. Felling of trees (Ref: 2820905). Three trees on LHS, two trees on RHS (as ascending the hill) commencing 11/03/2025, plus inspection/management of trees with significant ivy coverage. 
  • LCC Highways: A report was received following the drainage investigation on Brook Street. LCC advised that significant issues of heavily calcified pipework and blockages caused by roots had been tackled and were very effective in resolving draining problems and other issues. Consequently, LCC advised that no other work is required at the current time therefore a more extensive scheme is no longer planned. However, members stated that although the problem of water running along the lower part of Brook Street has improved, the volume of water flowing into the village and rising from the culvert at the top of Brook Street is resulting in standing water on the corner of Dawnhill Lane, with recent freezing weather creating sheet ice across the entire corner. Members asked the clerk to advise LCC of this ongoing issue and request further work. 
  • Planning Application Revision – 18 Church Street. [See agenda item 88-01-24/25]. Scheme of Delegation.
  • Internal Auditor Report & Actions – Three recommendations were made following the internal audit - all have been completed.
  • The clerk successfully applied to the Small Business Rate Relief Scheme (City of Lincoln/NKDC) seeking a rates reduction for Hemswell Cemetery (currently £84.72 pa). Consequently, a zero rating has been backdated to 2012, resulting in a credit balance of £663.18. The chair thanked the clerk for gaining the business rate relief and members agreed monies refunded should be allocated to EMR for grounds improvement/memorial safety in the cemetery.

Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) Financial accounts, invoices for transaction, budget and precept submissions.

Burial Clerk Interment of the late Mrs. Pam Huntley took place on 23/12/2024. Members asked that the minutes record that Mrs. Huntley will be remembered for her good services to the PC and the village. A payment has been received to erect a memorial on the grave of the late Mr Goodhand.

Other The clerk reported her successful completion of the Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA), meaning the PC now meets one of the criteria for the PC to hold General Power of Competence (GPoC), namely having a ‘qualified’ clerk. Members and the District Cllr. congratulated the clerk on her achievement. 

RESOLVED TO NOTE the clerk’s report.


86-01-24/25 a. To review and approve the following PC policies. 

i. Personnel Committee Terms of Reference (ToR).   ii.  Co-Option Policy  

iii.  Freedom of Information Policy  iv. Business & Risk Management Policy  v. Health & Safety Policy 

The Chair asked members whether the proposed policy revisions/updates were appropriate. All members agreed that the policies should be updated per the marked-up documents. 

RESOLVED to ADOPT policy revisions and posting them on the PC website. ACTION: Clerk to add revised policies to the website and to update the PC policy spreadsheet.

86-01-24/25 b. To consider and approve the date for the Annual Meeting of the Parish (held in March or to coincide with the Annual Parish Council Meeting – 19 May 2025). The Chair outlined the differences between the Annual Meeting of the Parish and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and whether holding them on different evenings or the same evening had any merits. Members concluded that holding the two meetings on the same evening was more appropriate. 

RESOLVED to AGREE the date and time of the Annual Meeting of the Parish as Monday 19th May 2025, 6.30 pm, to take place before the Annual Parish Council Meeting. ACTION Clerk to promote the event.

86-01-24/25 c. To consider and approve the purchase of two ‘No dog fouling’ signs and posts for placement along the Beck. Members reviewed the sign specification, planned placement, installation method and timeframe. A member reminded the meeting of the importance of all dog walkers taking responsibility for clearing up after their dogs, whether signs are in place or not. 

RESOLVED to AGREE the purchase of two signs at £35.99 inc. VAT (VAT recoverable). The ACTION Clerk to procure the signs and liaise with Cllr. James for installation to coincide with the placement of the new bench (early Spring). 

86-01-24/25 d. To consider PC involvement in marking VE Day 80 (Thurs 8th May 2025). The clerk listed activities suggested by the VE 80 Day website page (https://www.veday80.org.uk) and those that may be suitable for the village, i.e., bus shelter displays, etc. Members discussed the potential for ‘themed’ May Day celebrations, leaving bunting up, etc. 

RESOLVED to NOTE the item and await feedback from the May Day planning committee/residents on possible events or celebrations.  


87-01-25/26 a. To receive the financial report and approve/ratify payments.   Receipts and payments summary for the period 16 November 2024 – 18 January 2025

Unity Trust Bank Account: Balances as follows: (18 January 2025)

Current Account:  £3736.35   Instant Access (Savings) Account: £16,775.77    TOTAL CASH IN BANK = £20,512.12

Expenditure from November 2024 to January 2025 included regular staff costs, notice board to be installed in Hemswell cemetery when ground conditions allow, and replacement consumables for the village defibrillator. Invoices for 2 x village hall hire have yet to be received.

Income included banking interest payment, interment and memorial erection fees and payment from the LCC parish grass-cutting agreement. The grant awarded by WLDC courtesy of the District Cllr Initiative Fund was received in December 2024 and is earmarked for Maypole maintenance. Payments for approval/ratification as below.


Expenditure (Payee)



JD Lewis Noticeboard


Noticeboard for Civil Cemetery

Clerk Salary

£225.93 + £309.98 = £535.91

Nov & Dec 2024 (Dec with NJC uplift)

Unity Trust Bank


Unity Trust Bank service charges (Nov & Dec) 

Staff Expenses


Travel, home allowance & sundries (Clerk) for period Oct-Dec 2024

Direct365 Online


Defibrillator Supplies (Adult Electrodes & Battery Pack)



Months 7-9 PAYE (Staff) 6 Oct 2024 – 5 Jan 2025

Total Paid Out



Monies Received



Invoice 05-2024/25


Memorial Erection Fee Civil Cemetery

Invoice 06-2024/25


LCC Parish Grass cutting agreement

Invoice 07-2024/25


Interment Fee Civil Cemetery

PO 369069


District Cllr. Initiative Fund – Maypole Painting 

Unity Trust Bank Interest


Savings Bank Interest

Total Paid In



Payments Due

Agricycle Bench 

£474 + fixings

Order to be placed

LALC Membership Subscription 


Due 01/04/2025

Invoices to be received 

2 x Village Hall Hire (Nov 2024)


Invoices have not yet been received.

1 x Grant VH grass-cutting


Copy invoices not yet provided.

  • EARMARKED RESERVES (EMR) currently stand at £10,414.38, with expenditure to be made against Street Furniture, Maypole Maintenance, and Defibrillator EMR before the end of the fiscal year. 
  • VAT against non-business expenditure stands at £56.78. The claim will be submitted at the end of the current financial year. 
  • RECONCILIATION OF ACCOUNTS for the period of Nov 2024 – Jan 2025 to be undertaken during February 2025 by Cllr. Jago. 
  • EXPENDITURE OVER £100.00 The Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities (DCLG 2014) requires Hemswell PC to publish a list of all payments over £100 (NET). Details can be found on the Parish Council website. 

RESOLVED to ACCEPT the Financial Report as a true and accurate record. 

87-01-24/25 b. To consider and approve the final PC Precept demand for the FY 2025/2026 at £10,000.00 and to submit the Precept demand to WLDC by Friday, 24th January 2025. The RFO reported the WLDC actual tax base (issued Dec 2024) resulted in a slight percentage increase over the estimated tax base (issued Nov 2024), namely 6.05% rather than 5.88% on the previous FY precept demand. This equates to an increase of £4.36 per annum (£0.36 per month) for a Band D property (other tax band properties may pay more or less than this figure). Members accepted the data, and the Chair, two PC members and the clerk signed the Precept Final form.

RESOLVED to AGREE the final precept demand of £10,00 for the FY 2025/26. ACTION: RFO to submit the final Precept demand to WLDC by Friday, 24 January 2025.

87-01-24/25 c. To discuss and resolve to set up a variable direct debit to pay PAYE. The RFO explained the current procedure for PAYE payments to HMRC. Members agreed payment by DD would streamline the process and reduce the potential for missed deadlines, inaccurate returns, etc. 

RESOLVED to APPROVE the creation of a Direct Debit for HMRC PAYE settlements from Unity Trust Bank. ACTION: RFO to implement.


88-01-24/25 PLANNING MATTERS To report on revisions to planning application no. WL/2024/00881, Erection of detached garage and workshop. 18 Church St., Hemswell. DN21 5UQ. Members had received the dimensioned drawings provided with the revised application showing garage doors of a standard domestic garage (7ft/2.34 m in height) and felt no further comments were required. The clerk advised comments had been returned to the WLDC planning department by the deadline under the PC Scheme of Delegation.

RESOLVED to NOTE the revisions and that no further action was required. 


Cllr. Jago reported an incident during recent snowy weather (January 2025) when human footprints were left in the snow in the rear and front gardens of his property. The matter had been reported to the police, who, together with Cllr. Jago asked residents to report similar incidents to the police or PC members. 

District Cllr. Paul Howitt-Cowan gave a comprehensive report including: 

  • Departure of the Chief Executive and Director of Finance from WLDC. 
  • A ‘Consensus Independents’ group had been formed in late Dec 2024. West Lindsey now has six independents.
  • Green bin subscriptions at £44.00 p.a. 
  • A peer inspection of council performance will be held during January 2025. 
  • Development of the Market Place in Gainsborough is ongoing with a possibility of opening a ‘banking hub’.
  • Flooding and drainage issues are ongoing around the county, compounded by a lack of overall responsibility or accountability by the multiple agencies involved. 
  • Publication of a report criticising policing in Lincolnshire. The head of policing has been invited to attend WLDC to address concerns. 
  • Ongoing Unitary Authority discussions. 

The District Cllr. will forward available reports to the clerk for distribution to members.

Village Hall Committee Report: Mr William Barker (Committee Chair) gave a short report summarised below:

  • VH finances remain relatively unchanged from the situation reported in November 2024. 
  • Audited FY 2022/23 accounts have been submitted to the Charity Commission—later financial years to be followed up. 
  • A very successful quiz night was held, and the winning team kindly donated their winner back to the VH. It is hoped further quiz nights will be held.
  • A wreath-making workshop held in December was reported as very enjoyable and well-attended. 
  • Damp remains an ongoing issue in the VH, and local builders have been contacted to address the problem, but quoted costs are higher than anticipated. 
  • Recommendations arising from the recent ROSPA inspection of the play equipment have mostly been resolved. 
  • A Christmas tree was purchased on behalf of Hemswell residents. The PC donation application form is to be completed and returned to the clerk (with receipt of purchase). 
  • Planning for the May Day Celebrations (Monday 6th May) will soon commence. Mr Barker asked for as many volunteers, support and contributions as possible to ensure another successful event this year.

90-01-24/25  DATE OF NEXT MEETING –- To resolve to note the date and time of the next Parish Council Meeting - Monday 17th March 2025, 7:00 pm.  

Meeting closed: 8.08 pm.