Your Parish Council has vacancies - will you join us?

PC vacancies

Being a parish councillor is all about using your energy, passion, and 'can-do' attitude to benefit our community. 

If you’ve never been to a parish council meeting before, you may be forgiven for thinking that parish councillors are a group of (probably older) people who meet now and then in a draughty village hall. If, however, you live in a community where things get done - you’ll know it's usually because the parish council and residents work together! 

It’s true that parish councils have limited powers to make certain big decisions, but they can make a difference by supporting projects, seeking grants to improve facilities or amenities, and making our communities better places to live and work. 

You don't need particular experience or skills to be a parish councillor—support and training are available, so please contact the clerk to find out more. 

Published: Tuesday, 2nd April 2024