Council publishes its Annual Governance and Accountability Return.

The money that a Parish Council spends is raised through taxes - so it is only right and proper that a Parish Council is open and transparent about how that money is spent. This is why each year Hemswell Parish Council completes a set of documents and financial statements for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return and you can now access the 2022-2023 year-end documents on our website page (link will open in new browser window). 

As a local elector, or an interested person, you have certain legal rights in respect of the accounting records we keep, and you can inspect and ask questions about our records and related documents. This is why you will see a notice on the Village Hall noticeboard and on our website (called the Notice of Public Rights) detailing when the records are available and how you can access them. Please contact the clerk if you have any questions regarding the AGAR documents. 

Published: Monday, 22nd May 2023