CIL Report FY 2023-2024

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a levy that West Lindsey District Council (WLDC) can charge on developments in their area to ensure that facilities and services can keep up with new homes and enable further sustainable growth. WLDC is responsible for administering the collection of CIL, payments to PCs and district spending. The Charging Schedule sets out which developments are liable to pay CIL and can be found on the WLDC website. 

WLDC pays a portion of CIL income to Parish Councils, which the PC may then spend (on infrastructure items such as bins, bus shelters, public footpaths, public buildings, etc.) to offset the impacts of development in the area; the district council spends the remaining CIL income. Hemswell PC must report on the CIL received and spent each year. [The Community Infrastructure Level Regulations 2010].

CIL income


Income monitoring